Guard Your Heart | Shimira Cole's Blog
August 8, 2020

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flows the springs of life,” (Proverbs 4:23). Your heart is a muscle that keeps the body functioning. If your heart stops working, then the body stops operating. Keep means to maintain and Vigilance means to carefully watch over. “Be on the alert then, for you do…

Black Lives Matter |
June 13, 2020

Black Lives Matter The number one thing that bothers me about some bloggers is that they send me a bunch of emails about their products, their worldview, their lifestyle without acknowledging what is happening in the world around them. Therefore, even though I wrote the post below way before the marching and protest for equality…

June 6, 2020

 What do Faith without Work is Dead  Really mean? I thought of something that had my mind spending last few weeks. The scripture “Faith without Works is Dead.” I am pretty sure you’ve heard pastors preach on this scripture, sharing that in order to make “something” happen in your life, you must have “faith” in…

May 4, 2020

Every Good Tree Produces…. Today, I had anxiety. Not because of “Covid-19,” but because of the people marching and protesting in the streets for “freedom.” Freedom to use the beach now, freedom to open their business now, freedom to enter stores without a mask, right now! I totally understand where they are coming from, but…