Book Review | Crushing

Crushing T.D. by Jakes | Shimira Cole's Book Reviewby T.D. Jakes

I love watching Bishop T.D. Jakes’s sermons online, and his books are so inspiring. One day I would love to share the gospel like him and share how God operated in my life. The chapter Pruning is Not Punishment in T.D. Jakes’s book, Crushing, stirred a lot in me. As a matter of fact, a friend and I had lunch one afternoon, and we spoke about how God is pruning us to be better and intentional with our time. Later that night, while sipping my tea, reading this book, I saw the word, Pruning again.

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Bishop T.D. Jakes gives a thrilling insight into how he felt when his son had a heart attack. This shook his whole family. They wondered why God would do this to them or to his son. At that moment T.D. Jakes knew that this story/journey wasn’t about his relationship with God, but about his son’s relationship with God and how God will use him to prune out the tiniest things.
This takes me to The Mercy Tree when Wellington wanted to be a scientist so bad, it took over his thoughts and everyday life. He neglected his family and his relationship to pursue a career that never accepted him. Therefore, Wellington’s pruning came when he took the first step to ask for a promotion at his job. This was an uncomfortable situation for Wellington, but a gut urge made him do it. However, we soon found out God gave Wellington a gut sensation to move, to be present, and to act. He needed Wellington to accomplish a goal, so he had to draw Wellington near his dream to only use Wellington’s desires to draw him near a bigger purpose. Have you ever wanted to do something, but didn’t think it was the right time? Has God positioned you in a situation for you to take action? If so, tell me in the comments.
Remember, I am selling this book for $5 in my store.

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