Book Review | Exceptional You by Victoria Osteen

by Victoria Osteen

Faithbox - Embrace Your Faith Today!

Reviewed by Shimira

Exceptional You by Victoria Osteen | Shimira Cole's Book Review

I read the book, Exceptional You by Victoria Osteen and it was amazing. Some paragraphs felt as if Joel Osteen said, “babe, let me write this part,” because of the motivating sentences we know Joel Osteen for. However, the first of the seven tips, Know That You Are Chosen, impacted me.

Recently, I realized I tried to change something I was doing since I was eight months old. My parents pointed it out and at that second, I had an “aha” moment. God wired me a certain way and I can’t change it. I have to embrace it.
This reminded me of Wellington from the Mercy Tree when everything in his life fell apart and he tried to solve something that wasn’t meant for him to solve. After talking to a friend, he realized that God ‘Chose’ him to be on his elite team of forerunners. The John the Baptist of this time.
Do you believe God ‘Chose’ you to carry out a mission? If so, share how  God is using you.
Remember, I am selling this book for $5 in my store.

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